
Date: 04/13/06
Time: 8:am
Route: EHalsey|S172|PALPark|EBurnside|S181st|WStark|N172|WHalsey(view route)
3.36 miles
Dog: Yep
Notes: When Sinopah joins me for training runs she is only allowed a couple of short breaks to pee. I know that if it were up to her, she'd leave her mark on every block we pass. So, I let her go only when we are stopped at a light or if she puts on the breaks with a look that says, "Hey, I'm not kidding around here, I have to go!" She's never needed to poop, but I carry a bag just in case.

Until today.

I forgot a bag and at the corner of 181st and Burnside, while we waited for a light, she commenced to squat in someones yard. Mortified, I yanked on the leash and stopped her mid-poop; but the damage was done. Never wanting to be one of those owners that doesn't pick up after their dog, I adjusted our route to take us to a park that has a plastic-bag dispenser provided by volunteers. When we got there a few minutes later, the dispenser was empty. However, I found a discarded bag in the street and we headed back to collect the evidence.

Carrying it to a dumpster at HBLee, I chuckled to myself and reassured my companion that this anxiety-filled, re-tracing of our path was not her fault and that I would be better about bringing a bag. After all, who hasn't been on a run when a bathroom emergency strikes at an inopportune moment? (I'll save that story for another time.)


At 2:29 PM, April 14, 2006, Blogger Steven said...

Oh wow. You're a good kid for going to all that trouble. Nothing worse than waking up to dog poop in your lawn.

Last year, puppy and I were on a run and we had a similar event. I bought a bag, but he needed to go twice. We happend to be in the middle of the street and he just stopped and let it loose. A few feet from us, someone was getting into their car and I was horrified.

As soon as I got home, I got a bag and drove over to fetch the poop. Fortunately, it hadn't been stepped in, or ran over. Yuck.


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